1In Somerset, Pennsylvania, a chicken living among 36,000 others at the Brendel Farms was found to have four legs - two normal front legs and two more feet behind that don't function. In 30 years of farming, owner Mark Brendle said, he's never before seen a chicken with four legs.
2The outbreak of E. coli linked to fresh spinach was blamed for another five cases of illness Saturday, raising the number of people sickened to 171, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported. The number of states affected held steady at 25. So far, 92 people have been hospitalized.
3Astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper collapsed twice Friday, a day after she returned to Earth in the shuttle Atlantis, and officials attributed her wobbles to the adjustment from 12 days at zero gravity.
4Eric Clapton's concert scheduled for Saturday night at The Palace of Auburn Hills, Mich., was postponed because he has a sore throat.
5California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a universal health care bill Friday, saying it would create a 'vast new bureaucracy.' The bill would have provided every California resident with health insurance through a program administered by a new entity, the California Health Insurance Agency.